Even before cancer, I was intrigued with diet and nutrition and was known to encourage others (AKA annoy the heck out of those closest to me) to make healthy choices. This hasn’t changed; if anything, I have more of a reason to encourage others to be healthy.
When we first visited our oncologist pre-treatment, he told us nutrition would make no difference in my fight against cancer. Thankfully, we did our own research and followed some basic but helpful habits that helped me fight cancer and get through the treatment.
Throughout our cancer journey, I’ve had several medical personnel comment on how healthy I was which always boggled my mind, since I was being treated FOR cancer! I now understand that in comparison to many of the patients they see, I was/am healthy. I did not have any of the other diseases or as many of the symptoms most patients also experience with cancer. When I fill out medical forms, the only box I check off is cancer. This is something that has greatly bothered me, I’ve never had to check any major boxes. To have to check off that cancer box feels like a huge weight, and I hate the label that will follow me the rest of my life.
During our last visit with our oncologist, we witnessed a complete change of heart in his stance on health and nutrition. We are impressed with how he now believes that nutrition makes a huge difference in one’s health and ability to prevent major disease.
After his heart attack and near brush with death, he has been diligently researching and implementing healthy changes in his diet. He has learned that the same causes of cancer, poor diet and nutrition, also lead to heart disease.
He is now passionately encouraging and educating his patients to have a healthy diet. It was a refreshing appointment. He was a great doctor before, but my level of respect for him has grown. I hope more doctors will follow his lead.
Which brings me to back to getting healthy. We’ve learned a lot along the way, and we would love to encourage (or annoy) you on your own journey to reclaim your health. This looks different for every one of us, we are each so uniquely made.
I’ve realized that there is no magic pill to make me well, we’ve been piecing it all together as we go, it’s like a giant puzzle. There’s many different pieces, and I am grateful for each piece of knowledge we’ve gained.
We recently completed a program called the 30 Days to Healthy Living Detox; we are both excited to see and feel improvements in our health. So much so, that we are implementing many of the habits from the program into our daily life. This has become another tool in my toolbox for building my health.
James saw several bothersome and potentially scary symptoms clear up as a result of this gentle detox. We’ve both lost weight and are feeling better. Even our kids who joined us for a less strict version, conceded that it made them feel better, too! While on it, my daughter who suffers from serious migraines, had zero headaches! My father in law followed the program as well, he saw his blood sugar and other numbers drop into the normal range. For the first time, his doctor actually smiled at him! The results convinced him to do another 30 days.
1 Timothy 4:4-5
For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving, because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer.
Sometimes, it feels too big to make changes in your diet. Maybe you don’t even know where to start. If you are interested in feeling better and reclaiming your health, talk to us. We would love to walk this journey with you and explore your options.
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