I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. -Psalms 34: 4 Fear has grown bold in recent days It lurks behind every corner and every turn - Boo! Aggressively, fear is in your face Sleeping and waking with you, all tangled up in daily tasks Dining with you, feasting on all you hold dear Fear is no longer quiet None of us exempt from its gaze Fear has grown bold in recent days Laughing as we worry and we wonder Fear mocks our pain as we squirm and fret Gleefully he charges ahead, Spreading, stalking and stoking the doubts, the worries - All the what if’s He’s been looking and waiting for this chance Fear has taken over the world, He is frolicking about in a playground of his and our own making He’s grown bolder and he’s getting louder Fear has set his stake in each who have allowed him in Oh, yes, fear has grown bold in recent days Feeding off our thoughts, he’s growing bigger and bolder Monster he is - Boo! If you want to be free You will have to fight Stop feeding him Be brave and courageous and even louder Cling to Truth, to all things good pure and right Do not let love out of your sight, not even for a moment Call on the Maker Turn away from the darkness Turn away from all that is hidden, bring it all out into the open Unpack your burdens, quickly! There is no time to waste! Bring it all -yes, even that- Bring it all into His light Forgive, oh yes, Let love grow and spread Reclaim the ground fear has so boldly stolen in recent days If you are to live - Live free! Be brave and courageous and even louder Declare His Truth and Grace, and forgiveness Grow fruit by living according to the Maker’s way Turn your thoughts back on Him Choose this day, whom will you serve? Fear has grown bold in recent days He won’t easily let you go or give up So it is time for you, dearly beloved, You must grow courage Be brave and be loud; declare His Truth Praise The King, who is your king? It is time to choose: fear of evil or fear the Lord? But now, this is what the Lord says- he who created YOU, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. Isaiah 43:1
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